Saturday, October 4, 2008

Aren’t there enough bloggers already?

Probably, but I think this may provide a way to vent my frustrations. Perhaps I can also pass on some hard-earned knowledge so that others who have crossed the magic divide between middle age and—well, you know—can be spared some bruises. I have always had a knack for describing complicated things so that they can be understood, even by tyros.

What do I know that might be helpful (she asked rhetorically)? I’ve been trained as a financial planner, so at least I know where to look to get answers. I actually understand health insurance and Medicare. I’ve been a free-lance writer, columnist, reporter, editor, and publisher. I’m a mom with two amazingly well-adjusted grown daughters (although that was probably despite me). I’m a compulsive volunteer and can organize the heck out of anything from a sock drawer to a sit-down dinner for 400. In my distant past I was a folk singer (no drugs—music makes me high) and have a huge collection of songs and still (sorta) play the guitar. I’m single and have checked out just about every dating web site there is (and boy, do I have stories). Finally, I just like to help people.

Oh yeah, and I love to vent. During the past seven years, I have honed my venting skill to a fine edge and can’t wait to impose my views on someone besides my own family and friends.

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